Life is meant to evolve; failing, learning, repeating, perfecting. At JE we believe that sharing your stories and experience enhances all people's knowledge and thus life. Live, love and share passionately. Journey Evolved serves as a vessel to project your passions and clue in others as to what inspires me in them in this exponentially evolving world. So, sit back, relax, and evolve on.
Journey's Evolved
Get to Know Us
We believe in community and would like for you to join our team. We are looking for other people that have evolved their journeys of life with some product. We aim to generate interest in products that we like and utilize marketing to help each other pay for our evolution.
Colin Hortman
Evolve Bamboo GTX
The Evolve Bamboo GTX evolved my commute and the way I have fun. I enjoy riding in the sun and through the redwood forests. I share about twice a week and look forward to seeing your evolution.
Wade Dugdale
Acton S2
The Acton S2 evolved my commute and the way I have fun. I enjoy the views of West Cliff everyday and love riding to the local spots in Santa Cruz. I share about three times a month and look forward to reading about your evolution.
Nick McElmurry
Akai Profressional MPK 261
The Akai MPK 261 changed the way I mix music. I play in Water Color Weekend and have some solo work. I share about once a month and look forward to hearing about your evolution.
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